Search Results
Identification of m6A-associated RNA binding proteins... - Yiqian Zhang - iRNA - ISMB 2020 Posters
Inferring Sequence-Structure Preferences of RNA-Binding Proteins... - Peter Koo - RECOMB/RSG 2018
Mapping protein interaction networks on RNA with... - Chase Weidmann - iRNA - Keynote - ISMB 2022
Bogdan Mateescu - RNA binding proteins and exRNAs
A novel algorithm for calling mRNA m6A peaks by modeling... - Yufei Huang - Proceedings - ISMB 2016
Yiqian Zhang
Identifying m6A RNA modifications in neuroblastoma cell lines using nanopore sequencing
[Ye Grace Chan] N6-Methyladenosine Modification Controls Circular RNA Immunity
Yet another interaction network : 3'UTRs lncRNAs and RNA-binding proteins | Christine Brun | MOD2020
Identification of m6A RNA modifications at single molecule resolution using nanopore direct RNA-...
Shijian Fan / current research
E. Buratti - Aberrant RNA processing in neurodegeneration - RNA Structure and Function 2016